Steel by Lundbergs
Knivslipning kurs 10/4 2025
Slipkurs torsdag den 10:e April!
På denna kursen går vi igenom grunderna i att lära sig slipa för hand på sten.
Vi går också igenom:
*Olika slipmetoder
*Pratar om och tittar på olika sorter stenar
*Vinklar och geometrier
*Det dagliga underhållet av knivar
*Stålkvaliteer och dess betydelse för knivarna
Deltagare tar med egna knivar att öva slipning på, stenar och övrigt tillhandahålls av oss!
Kursen håller på mellan 18:00 och 20:30
Vi bjuder deltagare på fika!
Varmt välkomna till kylvägen 8, bakom Isaks ädelträ i Nättraby!
Crafts from scratch
We manufacture our knives from the ground up in our forge, often with different types of steel and metals for specific appearance and properties. This process is called welling, where the materials are merged under high pressure. We usually use Swedish steel for its high quality and durability.

Razor blade edge
When the knife blade is infected, format and tempered, the grinding of the blade's grinding phases, which determines the geometry of the blade. Kitchen knives are ground thinner than hunting knives, which need stronger primary eggs. The grinding is performed by hand and is followed by final polish with stones, sandpaper and polishes. The blade is then sharpened by hand in Japanese bench stones for best sharpness.

How do I take the best care of my knife?
Under our FAQ page you can read all about knife handling, grinding and maintenance, as well as orders and deliveries.